Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Random thoughts - I

"Team Work" - as the name suggests, is the job performed by a team...
Now, what does a team mean to you? Is it a group of few people? or Is it a combo of like minded ones? Actually this term has several descriptions but with same moral in several fields. For the time being lets assume the team in an organization. Here this team consists of few people belonging from the same working sector. Their ultimate goal is to perform up to level of quality which the company desires. Now, this team, keeping this aim in mind, tries to work together making adjustment up to a certain level. 
Now, assume a team in some sports area. This team has a lot of responsibilities on their shoulders. If they couldn't match up with the requirements to build up a well performing team, their game may go out of hand. Thus, there also comes the same situation of forming a good co-operating as well as performing team.
Lastly take the example of a team whose aim is to set up an independent business firm. They have to form a team which can deliver what is necessary for their growth. 
So in every field, in every sector of life, their comes a situation when we all need to configure a proper team to survive prosperously as well as successfully. And the build team somewhat guides our destiny towards respective goals.
So, we should better not blame our destiny for undesirable results, rather we should have a check with the team which led us to that situation. Similarly we should never blame other members of the team for undesirable productivity, rather we should try to figure out the flaws which we had while working jointly.  

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