Loads of issues, loads of problems…!!! No one responsible and no one to solve…We got to have our own balls to make every problem get solved smoothly…You better take your own decision rather than relying on somebody else…!!! Blame no one, its only you who is responsible for all the things that takes place in your life…Remember one thing, never regret in life …!!! Your decision wasn’t wrong…It was the best one according to you at that time…Your way of making your decision correct can be wrong though…So never lose hope, there are other ways also…Go for it…!!!
We have got one life…one life to live…!!! Few years have passed and few are left… None of you would ever want your life to become a venue of pain and sorrow…So why are you wasting your precious time being sad? Don’t you have the sense that the more time you spend being sad is the less time you get to stay happy? Change your routine, change your status…Change the fucking World around you…!!! Move out, freak out, and dance like you never danced…!!! Feel the essence of your life, mark your passion and go for it…Not much time left to fulfill your aim…
Sadness, depression and problems are the most attractive states…!!! Beware of them…These can eat up your happy go lucky life and can even turn it into a desert…!!! So run…run for life…!!! Smile without any reason, make weirdy looks…!!! Grab attention and make yourself feel special…!!! And I must tell you, you are special…Its just you haven’t realized your true talent…Give yourself some time…Think about yourself…Love yourself…!!! Loving yourself will make you love life…Spread love, shower love…That should be the motto of your life...