Sunday, 4 March 2012

Unnamed !!!

I don't know what and why...
I don't even know when and how...
But hey, I know whom it is for...
and I know to whom I'm for...

So many questions...
unasked and unanswered it remains...
although I speak less and act dumb,
but you are the one...
for whom my heart got stuck... 

I follow you,
follow you throughout the day...
to watch all your activities...
specially your shiny smile...

no matter what, I will be me
me, who loves someone
pretends to be friends...
but has lost his heart for the one...

Even though I'm writing it...
You shouldn't have a read...
Even if you already had...
You shouldn't act accordingly...

I'm shy...I'm dumb
Don't know why but I act so stupid...
To be with you...I can bet my life
And to be without you...I will merely choose to die...!!!


  1. Painful Shyness <-- a name for this poem

  2. I accidentally came on your blog page. You should be around my son's aga who was a bipolar and committed suicide. He wrote a lot. I am am posting two links which will allow to read some about him. Feel free to comment on that page. :

